Level 16 HC Guide

  • Published in Advanced
  • Read 20060 times
Tested and succeeded... Twice. (Against Pike/Phract/Pult combo) Both times I had teams of 15-17 Alliance members. Timing was perfect, and only real issue was Load Vacancy which we cured with a few workers!

Basic Principal (in this order):
War spam kills traps
Pike kill Phracts
Archers rainbows kill Phracts
All archers plus 1k warrior kill Archers (HH's only)
Archers rainbows kill Warriors
Scout bombs kill pults!

Phase One: trap spam
We used 60 waves of 5-10k warriors and 1k cav, all hits are within five to seven seconds.

Phase Two: Phrack Killings
All pike waves, 100k - 350k depending what level HC sending from or city.
All attacks must land within five to seven seconds. We used alot here, about 4-5 mil pike but you could probably get away with 3 mil.

Phase Three: Pike Killing
From a 10 or other HC's 2k Workers/2k Warriors/2k Sword/2kCav Rest archer. Space each attack one to three seconds apart.
We use around 15-20 waves here.

Phase four: Archer Killing
You should really only use HH's here, on one of my hits I even used a mech wave in place of three of my archer waves here is the hit: http://battlena14.evony.com/default....e551e89cee.xml
Again spread out each wave by one to three seconds each.
About 20-22 waves

Phase five: Warrior Killing
2k workers/2k pike/2k warrior/2ksword/2k cav Rest archers from HC's preferably. All attacks should be within one to two seconds of eachother.
Need alot of archers here, about 50-60 Waves for overkill. Spread out 1-3 seconds each wave

Phase six: Pult Killing
Scout bombing, straight scouts make sure they all hit within 5 seconds and at the end of the other hits.
3-5 Mil scouts should do it.

This worked for us, not guaranteeing it will work for you. I got a lot of help along the way and want to thank everyone who helped me. Heil Villainz

note: We did use a lot of Overkill here, better safe than sorry.



12's: 4 14's: 1 16's: 1


Last edited by FrankW; 01-01-2011

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