

Historical Cities

Atlantis ( 0,0 ) is the capital city.

Atlantis actually borders 4 states.

.....Romagna | Burgundy
.....Bohemia | Friesland

Evony has 16 states. The 16 states of Evony are Friesland, Saxony, North March, Bohemia,
Lower Lorraine, Franconia, Thuringia, Moravia, Upper Lorraine,
Swabia, Bavaria, Carinthia. Burgundy, Lombardy, Tuscany, Romanga.

Each state has its own "state capital city" which is a level 16 historical city.

Lv. 16's

....Coords...Capital City.......State.
01..(100 100) Washington D.C....Friesland.
02..(100 300) Prague............Low. Lorraine
03..(100 500) Paris.............Upr. Lorraine
04..(100 700) Ottowa............Burgundy...
05..(300 100) Bejing............Saxony
06..(300 300) Berlin............Franconia
07..(300 500) Rome..............Swabia
08..(300 700) Jersalem..........Lombardy
09..(500 100) Loyang............North March
10..(500 300) Vienna............Thuringia
11..(500 500) Athens............Bavaria
12..(500 700) Canberra..........Tuscany
13..(700 100) Moscow............Bohemia
14..(700 300) London............Movaria
15..(700 500) Cairo.............Carinthia
16..(700 700) Islamabad.........Romagna

Lv. 18
1...(0 0).....Atlantis

HC flag colours

lvl 12: red
lvl 14: green
lvl 16: blue
lvl 18: yellow

1 Level 18 per server: Atlantis

Only one per server, located at 0,0.

1 Level 18 has:
warriors 14,000,000 (14 million)
Swords 2,033,330
Archers 856,140
Cataphracts 1,355,555
Ballista 183,000

Theory: (I am guessing, could require less.. assume lvl9 stars)
Rally spot: Lv 10.
Maxed research techs, All Lv 10 - Mil.Sci, Mil.Trd,Compass, Hbr, Irn. wrk..
Hero: Hero lv 100-150, atk 200+,
Waves: 35 waves of 1k warr, 1k pike, 1k sword, 1k scout, 95k archers to clear 14 million warriors.
Then additional 40 waves of warrior/cat/calv spam waves to bring loyalty down to 0.
Estimated conquer time: 6,25 hours.

Your Army:
- 4 million warriors
- 4 million archers (enough for 35 waves)
- 100k calvary/cataphract


16 Level 16s

Every 200 miles on x and y, starting from 100,100 onwards.

1 Level 16 has:
warriors 7,000,000 (7 million)
Swords 1,016,665
Archers 428,070
Calvary 677,777
Ballista 91,500

Theory: (I am guessing, could require less.. assume lvl9 stars)
Rally spot: Lv 10.
Maxed research techs, All Lv 10 - Mil.Sci, Mil.Trd,Compass, Hbr, Irn. wrk..
Hero: Hero lv 100-150, atk 200+,
Waves: 18 waves of 1k warr, 1k pike, 1k sword, 1k scout, 95k archers to clear 7 million warriors.
Then additional 40 waves of warrior/cat/calv spam waves to bring loyalty down to 0.
Estimated conquer time: 4,83 hours.

Your Army:
- 2 million warriors
- 2 million archers (enough for 18 waves)
- 100k calvary/cataphract


144 Level 14s

Every 66 miles on x and y, starting from 33,33 onwards.

1 Level 14 has:
warriors 2,800,000 (2.8 million)
Swords 406,666
Archers 171,228
Cataphracts 271,111
Ballista 36,600

Theory: (I am guessing, could require less.. assume lvl9 stars)
Rally spot: Lv 10.
Maxed research techs, All Lv 10 - Mil.Sci, Mil.Trd,Compass, Hbr, Irn. wrk..
Hero: Hero lv 100-150, atk 200+,
Waves: 7 waves of 1k warr, 1k pike, 1k sword, 1k scout, 95k archers to clear 2.8 million warriors.
Then additional 40 waves of warrior/cat/calv spam waves to bring loyalty down to 0.
Estimated conquer time: 3,91 hours.

Your Army:
- 700k warriors
- 700k archers (enough for 7 waves)
- 100k calvary/cataphract


1,936 Level 12s

Every 18 miles on x and y, starting from 9,9 onwards.

1 Level 12 has:
warriors 1,120,000 (1.12 million)
Swords 162,666
Archers 42,807
Cataphracts 108,444
Ballista 14,640

Theory: (I am guessing, could require less.. assume lvl9 stars)
Rally spot: Lv 10.
Maxed research techs, All Lv 10 - Mil.Sci, Mil.Trd,Compass, Hbr, Irn. wrk..
Hero: Hero lv 100-150, atk 200+,
Waves: 3 waves of 1k warr, 1k pike, 1k sword, 1k scout, 95k archers to clear 1.12 million warriors.
Then additional 40 waves of warrior/cat/calv spam waves to bring loyalty down to 0.
Estimated conquer time: 3,58 hours.

Your Army:
- 300k warriors
- 300k archers (enough for 3 waves)
- 100k calvary/cataphract


Level 14 HC Guide

HC 14 & 16 COORDS


33,33 99,33 165,33
33,99 99,99 165,99
33,165 99,165 165,165
33,231 99,231 165,231
33,297 99,297 165,297
33,363 99,363 165,363
33,429 99,429 165,429
33,495 99,495 165,495
33,561 99,561 165,561
33,627 99,627 165,627
33,693 99,693 165,693
33,759 99,759 165,759
231,33 297,33 363,33
231,99 297,99 363,99
231,165 297,165 363,165
231,231 297,231 363,231
231,297 297,297 363,297
231,363 297,363 363,363
231,429 297,429 363,429
231,495 297,495 363,495
231,561 297,561 363,561
231,627 297,627 363,627
231,693 297,693 363,693
231,759 297,759 363,759
429,33 495,33 561,33
429,99 495,99 561,99
429,165 495,165 561,165
429,231 495,231 561,231
429,297 495,297 561,297
429,363 495,363 561,363
429,429 495,429 561,429
429,495 495,495 561,495
429,561 495,561 561,561
429,627 495,627 561,627
429,693 495,693 561,693
429,759 495,759 561,759
627,33 693,33 759,33
627,99 693,99 759,99
627,165 693,165 759,165
627,231 693,231 759,231
627,297 693,297 759,297
627,363 693,363 759,363
627,429 693,429 759,429
627,495 693,495 759,495
627,561 693,561 759,561
627,627 693,627 759,627
627,693 693,693 759,693
627,759 693,759 759,759



Cavalry / Archer / Pikemen / Battering Rams Configuration
This method is the most efficient way to take a level 14. If you have higher hero attack than listed here for the waves then you can significantly reduce your losses. The uprise buff is a must if you plan to take a 14 and you almost certainly need some historic heroes, at least for the ballista wave to kill the warriors. You also need to launch from another level 14 historic city for the main waves and need to use a war ensign. there are other ways to take a level 14, and of course if you don't have a level 14 already you will need to launch your big waves from a level 12 historic city(156,000 troops with war ensign) which means you will need more waves. But this method will benefit alliances with strong players good at co ordination or strong players who would like to solo multiple level 14 historic cities themselves.

Wave 1 to 40 - 2,000 warriors /1,000 scouts
Wave 41 to 42 - 150,000 warriors (400 attack historic hero)
Wave 43 - 2,000 workers/5,000 warriors/8,000 swordsmen/10,000 pikemen/50 rams/160,000 archers (600 attack historic hero) - Kills cavalry
Wave 44 - 1,200 workers/4,000 warriors/2,000 swordsmen/3,000 pikemen/50 rams/146,000 archers (600 attack historic hero) - Kills Pikemen
Wave 45 - 2,000 pikemen/2,000 swordsmen/183,000 archers (500 attack historic hero) - Kills Archers
Wave 46 - 1,200 workers/12,000 warriors/3,000 archers/50 rams/170,000 ballista (600 attack historic hero) - Kills Warriors
Wave 47 and on - Loyalty waves, can be same loyalty waves as level 12s providing they a second or two after the ballista hit. The regeneration rate of troops in a level 14 historic city is very fast, timing has to be perfect when capping with other players.


Cavalry / Archer / Swordsmen / Battering Rams Configuration
Wave 1 to 40 - 2,000 warriors/1,000 scouts
Wave 41 to 42 - 150,000 warriors (400 attack historic hero)
Wave 43 - 2,000 workers/5,000 warriors/8,000 swordsmen/10,000 pikemen/50 rams/160,000 archers (600 attack historic hero) - Kills Cavalry
Wave 44 - 1,000 warriors/4,000 swordsmen/1,000 pikemen/4,000 cavalry/176,000 archers (600 attack Historic Hero) - Kills swordsmen
Wave 45 - 187,000 archers (600 attack historic hero) - Kills Archers
Wave 46 - 1,000 workers/12,200 warriors/1,000 swordsmen/2,000 archers/3,000 cavalry/50 rams/170,000 ballista (600 attack historic hero) - Kills warriors
Wave 47 and on - Loyalty waves (20K Warriors and 20k Archers

Level 12 HC Guide


Their are many ways to take historical cities but here are 4 common and fairly easy ways.

I would suggest you get level 9 stars for your gear for all methods, to ensure that you reduce losses.

And ONLY attack HCs which have a cavs/pikes/rams defence. Scout until you see this.

Full details of how to go about capturing a leVel 12 HC are at the bottom (see METHOD 4) - WELL WORTH THE READ.


METHOD 1: with level 9 stars you should lose much fewer troops

The easiest method I have come across to take a HC 12 doesn't require a very high hero attack but only a good number of ballista.
You will only lose about 4,000 ballista on the breaker. The spam waves before will eliminate the traps causing them to miss your important troops.
Hero level and attack does not matter for loyalty and spam waves.

Wave 1 to 30 - 3,000 warriors (spam waves)
Wave 31 - 122,000 ballista with 1k rainbow layers, and level 100 hero with minimum attack of 300 (breaker wave)
Waves 32 and on - 10,000 archers / 20,000 warriors (loyalty waves)

Example of a successful breaker wave:


If you don't have the ballista and need to use other troops, your losses will depend on your hero attack and star levels. Your going to use a mix of archer rainbows and pikemen.

With Hero attack 200
Launching from a Lvl10 city without war ensign

Wave 1 to 30 - 2,000 warriors / 2,000 scouts
Wave 31 - 33 - 100,000 pikemen
Waves 34 - 35 - 100,000 archers
Wave 36 - 42 (7 waves) - 1,000 workers / 1,000 warriors / 1,000 scouts / 1,000 swordsmen / 95,000 archers / 500 cataphracts / 500 cavalry
Waves 43 and on (loyalty waves) - 10,000 archers / 20,000 warriors


METHOD 3: this is expensive on troops


Starting off

First off, you need to scout the level 12 HC you want. After your scouting, you must see a Pike/Cav/Ram setup. If the scouting has this setup, the Historical City is ready!

1. Make sure you have a 300 - 400 Attacking hero with at least a star level 2 set.

2. Make sure you have your rally spot completely empty (No reinforcements, scoutings or attacks).

3. Many people and Guides recommend many level 100 heroes as a must to cap a HC, not necessary. In this guide, you only need 2 level 100 hero's, but a different combination may require more level 100 heroes.

The Attack

  • Based on a Pike/Cav/Ram setup
  1. Send off 100K Ballistas, 2K Warriors/Scouts, 1K Pike/Sword/Phrax or Cav/Rams and 17K Archers.
  2. Send off and Archers Rainbow as the second wave | 1K Warriors, Scouts, Pike, Sword and 96K Archers.
    After the first to waves hit:
  3. Ensure you've won either the first or second round then send off 60K Warriors as spam to the HC until you capture.

Based on a Sword/Cav/Ballista setup and a Star level 2 set

In this scenario, I went for the layering first, that's why I was successful.



There are four types of Historic Cities: level 12, 14, 16 and one single 18.

An HC 12 can be found every 18 miles on the x,y axis. In layman terms, this means 1 level 12 HC is exactly 18 spaces to the left, right, above and below of another level 12 HC thereby creating a net of level 12 HCs all over the server. There are a total of 1936 level 12 HC per server starting from coordinates 9, 9.

Now in order to capture a level 12 HC, you should have already captured a level 10 NPC. This is not a prerequisite per se but you will not have a king/queen of your own otherwise making the entire process of taking a level 12 a royal pain.

We are assuming all your technologies have been researched to level 10 (excluding privateering).

An HC 12 will always have the following troop combinations:

      • Warriors: 1,120,000
      • Swordsmen/Pikemen: 162,666
      • Archers: 42807
      • Cavalry/Cataphract: 108,444
      • Ballista/Catapult/Battering Ram: 14,640
      • Rolling Log: 6,000
      • Archer’s Tower: 6,666
      • Defensive Trebuchet: 5,000
      • Trap: 22,000
      • Abatis: 11,000


Preferred Combination

Every 24 hours, when server maintenance happens, the troop combination will change. The Swordsmen switch with the Pikemen and vice-versa. The Cavalry with the Cataphract, and the Ballista, Catapult and Battering Ram amongst each other. The HC 12 will also have either a level 100 King or a level 100 Queen as the defending hero. Your goal is to find the most offensive combination when you attack. That is because the most offensive combination is also the weakest defence.

Now you cannot do anything with the Wall fortifications but in terms of troop combination, we want the pikemen, the cavalry and the battering ram. So, scout everyday and make your move the day you see this combination.

We are also assuming the city you are attacking from have a level 10 Rally Spot and Feasting Hall.


The Right Distance

The distance between your attacking city and the level 12 matter a lot. You should have them as close to each other as possible. If you are not a paying customer, then the wise choice would be to wait for a flat to grow to level 10 next to the level 12 and building a level 1 city on it. Abandon the city and you have a level 10 NPC straightaway. It is important you capture the level 10 quickly because that NPC 10 is manually created and will be deleted by the server when maintenance happens. To do this, you should have 2 vacant city slots. One for the NPC 10 and one for the HC 12. The reduced distance will let you concentrate on actual battle tactics rather than worrying about troop regeneration. If you didn’t know already, an NPC can regenerate its troops at the rate of 10% every 6 minutes. The repair rate of Wall fortifications is 18%. This is why I am stressing on the distance between your attack city and your HC 12 needs to be very small.


Your City and Troops

  1. Your attack city should have 11 heroes including the King/Queen. Out of these 11 heroes, 5 heroes should be level 100 attack heroes. Maybe a Historic Hero if you have any of those. Move your Mayor to another city, you want 11 attack heroes here, no wise men or politicians required. The minimum attack for your lead heroes (the 5 level 100 ones) is 300+.
  2. Plenty of Gold for healing. Disable auto-heal from the Rally Spot. It is expensive, almost 4-5 times manual heal.
  3. Consider the possibility of the below calculations to be incorrect and have more troops than what I am outlining. The last thing you want is to fail or to be able to barely take the 12 but not have the troops to defend it. (Oh yes, people will attack you from every direction once you have the 12)
  4. Make sure the combination in the NPC 12 is Pikemen, Cavalry and Rams.
  5. Enable Penicillin and Warhorn. Highly recommended, you want that extra 3% wounded and that extra 20% attack. If you have any, use the “Excalibur” on each of your level 100 heroes, especially the King/Queen. Extra firepower never hurts. You ultimate goal is to have the five main heroes running 300+ attack.

Troops Required:

  • Archers: 1,500,000
  • Warriors: 400,000
  • Pikemen: 220,000
  • Worker: 10,000
  • Scouts: 10,000
  • Swordsmen: 10,000

Now I mentioned earlier that timing your attack is very important in Age 2. Do not try to ice this one down and hope everything works out the way you want it to be.


Layer out the Defence

Before you try to bounce your troops off the NPC, lets try and strategize the attacks. The abatis are safe as long as you don’t try to throw cavalry at the 12. The Rolling Logs and Defensive Trebuchets are one time use only. They will splatter your troops but are not renewable like the Archers Towers. The Traps too are one time use only but their high numbers (22,000) will require special attention.


You want to place your attack in such a way that you target the Traps first, then the Cavalry, the Pikemen next, then the Archers (plus ATs) and last the Rams. Each wave that you send needs to be designed specifically for one type of defence at a time. Again, do not try a one-size-fits-all, all you’ll get is a sore thumb from all that clicking and no level 12.


Waves of Attacks

  • Firstly, you need to send 30 waves of 3,000 warriors each. Add another 5 waves if your heroes are weaker. These waves are designed to take down the traps. They will ALL die. Scout after you have plastered your warriors all over the HC. You should have about 500 traps left in the HC. You want to make sure that your precious Archers are killing troops not traps.
  • Now send two waves of 90,000 pikemen and 10,000 warriors to the HC. Make sure your top heroes are leading these attacks because these are just two attacks and want the best bang-for-the-buck. These two waves will take out the Cavalry. Of course, scout again.
  • Next, send a single wave with your best hero of 80,000 Archers, 10,000 Pikemen, 1000 each of workers, warriors, swordsmen to take out the Pikemen in the HC. Follow this up with three waves of 95,000 archers and the rest with your healed troops left over (I am assuming you are doing a manual heal between attacks). These three waves are to take out the Archers. Scout again.
  • Lastly, send out multiple waves of 95,000 archers and 1000 each of workers, warriors, scouts, swordsmen and pikemen to kill the warriors. I am not putting a number to these waves because our aim is to kill the healed troops with these attacks so use as many as required.


By this time you have most of the troops and wall defences (except abatis) destroyed and your HC 12 is ready for loyalty waves.

Your loyalty waves should consist of 50,000 archers and 50,000 warriors. You are using the warriors as meat shield since they are most likely to be killed by spawned wall fortifications and troops. The archers being range units will go for the ATs and HC archers.

As you move ahead, you can reduce your loyalty waves to 20,000 each of archers and warriors.

REMEMBERS to keep scouting between attacks all the time & keep manually healing between attacks.

DO NOT include cavalry or cataphract in this mix. These are mount units and will cause the HC cavalry to charge and ruin the entire planning.

If you have been playing this game for long, you will know by now that the Evony game engine plays out attacks by rounds and each type of unit has inbuilt entry point for a battle. We have used this when we planned the attack strategy. Traps first, then Cavalry, next Pikes, followed by Archers then Warriors and lastly Rams.

Introducing Archers in the early waves will also ruin the battle tactics since the game engine rule matches a range with range (Archers and ATs) just like Mount with Mount. Introducing Cavalry or Archers too early will cause the NPC troops to “jump” the queue and the entire calculation will fall on it head.

Also, like we mentioned before, we don’t claim to be 100% right all the time. Overkill may happen. Have more troops than what has been outlined above. Not only to cover any mistakes etc. in this guide but also to have enough troops to defend you 12 once you have won it.

Each and Every Historic City (12, 14, 16, 18) goes into auto truce for 24 hours when it is captured. This is designed to give you enough time to recover and mount a defense. However, remember that the manual truce if declared never covers a historic city ever. In an event you are attacked after the 24 hour cool down is over, your only hope is defence by troops. Historic Cities cannot be teleported either.


The calculations in this guide have been provided by Lord Joker of server NA21 who is the vice host of alliance PURE and ranks 24 on the server. We have been using these calculations every time we take a historic city and so far they have been proven to be correct.

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