Featured Evony Member

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  • Read 4856 times

SirRobin, Founder & Host


Location: Central Coast, Australia
Age: 47
Games: WOW, PS2/3: StarWars Battlefront, NFS Undercover
Hobbies: football (soccer); guitar; scuba diving
Occupation: Web marketer/developer
Philosophy: know what you believe and why, and stand up for it


Why do I play Evony?

It combines element of Age of Empires building, chess-like strategy, and most importantly, a strong social side to gaming that you don't find in many online games.


Where do you want to reach in the game?

Well, I've sort of achieved a lot of what I wanted already... playing a part of the game, and being a member of a good alliance and making some friends. I guess I'd still like to become an established big player, but don't really have any grandiose plans, since I enjoy learning, building and training more than taking down other players.


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